Imf Indonesia

Indonesia Highlighted in New IMF Book

Indonesia ASEAN

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a book this year called Realizing Indonesia's Economic Potential, highlighting the immense opportunities for growth in the world's fourth most populous country. The book is divided into five main sections, which examine Indonesia's strong economic foundation; structural reform; public finance; trade and investment; and monetary and financial policy. Drawing from the country's impressive recent growth (250% GDP growth in the last 20 years), and analyzing factors like infrastructure and debt through the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s and through the global financial crisis of last decade, the book projects increased opportunities not just domestically, but for international partnerships. Additionally, Indonesia has certain unique advantages which separate it from other developing nations. For instance, robust telecom and internet infrastructure is allowing for unprecedented connectivity throughout the process of industrialization.

The East-West Center's Asia Matters for America project has also highlighted the importance of Indonesia to Americans at the state and local levels. With up-to-date, interactive, customizable data, the project highlights cultural, demographic, and economic ties between the world's third and fourth largest populations. While it may seem obvious, Indonesia's growth potential has only recently come into global focus, and Realizing Indonesia's Economic Potential has garnered interest from business people and international relations bloggers alike.