Asia Reacts to...

The Asia Reacts to... series highlighted how various Asian media are reacting to US politics, policy, and major events. Explore the collated sources below to gauge the complexities of the US-Asia relationship as seen from Asia.

*DISCLAIMER: Spelling in the quotations may be changed from British English to American English.*

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Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Indonesia


Any country, especially big countries, seen making policies about 'radicalism' or discrimination according to religion will be a bad issue. [...] Of course there will be an impact, not for Indonesia, but for his business [Trump's involvement in resorts in Indonesia]." - Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of Indonesia

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Malaysia


"For me, it is not so much about his [Donald Trump's] policies, but more about the people that emerged from this whole mess. Now, it is perfectly okay to declare your love for Trump, while at the same time implying that you support all of his xenophobic claims. That to me is much more worrying than Trump himself." - Farhana Hasni, currently living in Fullerton, California

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Australia


"For 77% of Australian adults, Hillary Clinton is the preferred US President, with only 11% saying they would prefer Donald Trump. Most Australians (84%) say Hillary Clinton would do a better job of handling US foreign policy. Only 10% prefer Donald Trump for handling US foreign policy. Further, nearly six in ten Australians (59%)…

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - New Zealand


"New Zealanders would be most unwise to take the prospect of an upset Trump victory lightly. Our country's two most important economic and foreign policy goals: continued open access to the Chinese market under the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement; and steadily improving access to the US and Japanese markets under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would both be threatened by a…

Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - South Korea

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. SOUTH KOREA

"[...] Trump's consistently isolationist line - insisting that the US 'can't be the policeman to the world' and dismissing the possibility of North Korea starting a war with South Korea and Japan by saying 'if they do, they…

Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - India

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. INDIA

"Like many in Washington, Delhi has sniggered at Trump all these days. India must begin to take Trump seriously and assess the sources and consequences of America's changing worldview. [...] It now needs to engage those shaping the enormously successful campaign that has…

Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - Australia

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. AUSTRALIA

"Fully realised, Mr. Trump's Asia sounds like something in a dystopian science-fiction comic. Battered by sanctions, drivers in Tokyo are forced to abandon their Toyotas and Nissans for Fords and Chevrolets. Encouraged by warm overtures from the White House…

Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - China and Hong Kong

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. CHINA

"Even though he voiced willingness to develop a good relationship with China, his blinkered knowledge of US-China business cooperation is worrying. Accusing China's economic presence in the US as an 'assault on American jobs,' and claiming that the US has 'economic power'…

Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - Japan

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. JAPAN

"I want to see the United States to be strong and come with a strong robust position, not really thinking of the United States only." - H.E. Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese Ambassador to the United States

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter's Trip to India and the Philippines - Philippines

During his recent visit to the Asia-Pacific from April 9 - 18, 2016, Secretary of Defense Ashton "Ash" Carter held a joint press conference with Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar to announce that the United States and India have "agreed in principle" on finalizing a Logistical Support Agreement (LAS) and Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI). He also revealed for the first time that the United States has been conducting joint naval patrols with the Philippines in the South China Sea. INDIA

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter's Trip to India and the Philippines - China

During his recent visit to the Asia-Pacific from April 9 - 18, 2016, Secretary of Defense Ashton "Ash" Carter held a joint press conference with Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar to announce that the United States and India have "agreed in principle" on finalizing a Logistical Support Agreement (LAS) and Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI). He also revealed for the first time that the United States has been conducting joint naval patrols with the Philippines in the South China Sea. CHINA

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter's Trip to India and the Philippines - India

During his recent visit to the Asia-Pacific from April 9 - 18, 2016, Secretary of Defense Ashton "Ash" Carter held a joint press conference with Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar to announce that the United States and India have "agreed in principle" on finalizing a Logistical Support Agreement (LAS) and Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI). He also revealed for the first time that the United States has been conducting joint naval patrols with the Philippines in the South China Sea. INDIA