Asia Reacts to...

The Asia Reacts to... series highlighted how various Asian media are reacting to US politics, policy, and major events. Explore the collated sources below to gauge the complexities of the US-Asia relationship as seen from Asia.

*DISCLAIMER: Spelling in the quotations may be changed from British English to American English.*

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Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Speech - Japan

On April 27, 2016, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined his foreign policy in a speech at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. JAPAN

"I want to see the United States to be strong and come with a strong robust position, not really thinking of the United States only." - H.E. Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese Ambassador to the United States

Secretary of State John Kerry's Historic Visit to Hiroshima - North Korea

On April 1, 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry became the first Secretary of State to visit Hiroshima, Japan. During his visit, Secretary Kerry paid his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Park, which honors the victims of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city by the United States during World War II on August 6, 1945. His visit was seen as a possible means of paving the way for a visit by President Obama while he is in Japan for the G-…

Secretary of State John Kerry's Historic Visit to Hiroshima - Japan

On April 1, 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry became the first Secretary of State to visit Hiroshima, Japan. During his visit, Secretary Kerry paid his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Park, which honors the victims of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city by the United States during World War II on August 6, 1945. His visit was seen as a possible means of paving the way for a visit by President Obama while he is in Japan for the G-…

Donald Trump's Comments on Possible Nuclear Armament of Japan and South Korea - North Korea

On March 28, 2016 during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Republican front-runner Donald Trump suggested that Japan and South Korea should be allowed to develop their own nuclear weapons to counteract threats in the Asia-Pacific and take more responsibility for their own security since, according to Trump, they do not pay the United States enough for supplying that security. NORTH KOREA

Deputy-Director General of North Korea's Institute of International Studies…

Donald Trump's Comments on Possible Nuclear Armament of Japan and South Korea - Japan

On March 28, 2016 during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Republican front-runner Donald Trump suggested that Japan and South Korea should be allowed to develop their own nuclear weapons to counteract threats in the Asia-Pacific and take more responsibility for their own security since, according to Trump, they do not pay the United States enough for supplying that security. JAPAN