Asia Reacts to...

The Asia Reacts to... series highlighted how various Asian media are reacting to US politics, policy, and major events. Explore the collated sources below to gauge the complexities of the US-Asia relationship as seen from Asia.

*DISCLAIMER: Spelling in the quotations may be changed from British English to American English.*

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Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Singapore


Angered by comments Donald Trump has made about Muslims, officials in Indonesia and Malaysia call for Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Many in Asia concerned over Donald Trump's rhetoric regarding the United States' alliances with Japan and South Korea and denouncement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Thailand


"For Southeast Asia, a Trump presidency would be confrontational towards China but not in a way to reengage and renew ties with the US's partners and allies in the region. Tensions between Washington and Beijing would rise on a bilateral and trade-driven basis but China's growing dominance in Southeast Asia would remain unchecked by the US. The US's emphasis on human rights and democracy in developing Asia is…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Singapore

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. SINGAPORE

"Ultimately, the debates will likely be remembered for their ugliness. But if there…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Pan-Asian Views

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. PAN-ASIA

"We hear such comments constantly from Japanese conservative men There are so many…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - India

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. INDIA

"His refusal to commit to accepting the…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Philippines

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. PHILIPPINES

"Some Fil-Ams [Filipono-Americans] say Trump is their Duterte and I always beg to disagree. Their similarity…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - New Zealand

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. NEW ZEALAND

"The usual ability of…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Australia

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. AUSTRALIA

In this three-part series the author explores how the US-Australia…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Indonesia

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. INDONESIA

"The US is a global leader and therefore should care about international…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - China


"With so much about Trump remaining uncertain, China cannot simply support him and hope. In a US visit last month, Premier Li Keqiang was noncommittal, saying US-China relations would be kept on a stable footing regardless of who was elected. After the third televised presidential debate on Oct. 19, many reports noted Chinese experts predicting a Clinton victory. What is clear is China’s ridicule…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - Japan

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. JAPAN

"Although they don't have a say in the…

Second Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - South Korea

On Sunday, October 9, 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri for the second presidential debate. Moderated by ABC's Martha Raddatz and CNN's Anderson Cooper, the second debate took the form of a town hall meeting where half of the questions for the candidates came from members of the audience. SOUTH KOREA

"Whoever becomes the president will have to consider…