Asia Reacts to...

The Asia Reacts to... series highlighted how various Asian media are reacting to US politics, policy, and major events. Explore the collated sources below to gauge the complexities of the US-Asia relationship as seen from Asia.

*DISCLAIMER: Spelling in the quotations may be changed from British English to American English.*

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The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States - India

On January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump was formally sworn in as the 45th President of the United States in Washington, DC. Countries throughout the Asia Pacific weighed in on how they saw relations between the US and their respective countries going forward under the new Trump administration and the "America First" tone of President Trump's inauguration speech. INDIA

"For one, Delhi will have to…

Tariffs on Steel and Aluminium Imports to the United States - India

On March 8, 2018, President Donald Trump signed new tariffs into law on steel and aluminum imports. The tariffs, which are set to take effect 15 days from their signing, instill penalties of 25% on imported steel and 10% on imported aluminum. The tariffs have faced pushback within the United States and countries around the world. Currently, Canada and Mexico have been exempted from the tariffs as negotiations over the North American Free…

President Donald Trump's First Visit to Asia - India

From November 5-13, 2017, President Donald Trump traveled to the Asia-Pacific for the first time during his presidency. He traveled to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, during which he discussed US alliances and partnerships with Asian countries, trade agreements, the need for a united front against the threat posed by North Korea, and attended the APEC, US-ASEAN, and EAS Summits.

To learn more about the statements President Trump made during this trip, visit our resource The Trump…

US Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord - India

On June 1, 2017, Donald J. Trump formally announced the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. The Accord, which has been signed by over 190 countries, is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that would deal with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation, and financing starting in 2020. Under President Barack Obama the United States joined the Accord in September 2016. INDIA

President Donald Trump's Executive Order on the Trans-Pacific Partnership - India

On January 23, 2017, Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to formally end the United States' participation in negotiations concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). A multilateral trade deal encompassing the Asia Pacific region, the TPP negotiating members include: Japan (the only country to have domestically ratified the agreement), Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile, and Peru. INDIA

“Nor will China…

Final Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - India

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met for the final time on the debate stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, the debate encompassed six segments with topics ranging from Supreme Court nominations to the economy. INDIA

"His refusal to commit to accepting the…

Second Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - India

On Sunday, October 9, 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri for the second presidential debate. Moderated by ABC's Martha Raddatz and CNN's Anderson Cooper, the second debate took the form of a town hall meeting where half of the questions for the candidates came from members of the audience. INDIA


First Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election - India

On Monday, September 26, 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton met on the debate stage for the first time at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Moderated by Lester Holt, the topics of the debate included "America's Direction," "Achieving Prosperity," and "Securing America."


Contributors to various Indian media sources weigh in on the first US 2016 presidential debate and their impressions of the candidates.

The Nominations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - India

On July 19, 2016 and July 26, 2016, respectively, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton officially became their parties' nominees for President of the United States. In addition to coverage of debates, which will appear on separate pages in the Asia Reacts to... series, this page chronicles how Asian media viewed the two candidates in the lead up to Election Day. INDIA

"Irrespective of the change in…

Republican National Convention - India

From July 18-21, 2016, the United States held its Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland, Ohio. During the convention, the Republican Party officially nominated Donald Trump and Mike Pence as its 2016 presidential nominee and vice presidential nominees, respectively, and released its party platform. INDIA

"In February, [Trump] said ] 'India is taking our jobs. It is not going to happen anymore, folks!' But the Republican platform…

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Fourth Visit to the United States - Pan-Asian Views

On June 8, 2016 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his three-day visit to the United States with a speech before a joint session of Congress. Since coming to office in 2014, Prime Minister Modi has now visited the United States four times and met with President Obama seven times. During this most recent visit, President Obama announced that the United States formally recognizes India as a "major defense partner" and supports India's bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). PAN-ASIAN VIEWS

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Fourth Visit to the United States - China

On June 8, 2016 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his three-day visit to the United States with a speech before a joint session of Congress. Since coming to office in 2014, Prime Minister Modi has now visited the United States four times and met with President Obama seven times. During this most recent visit, President Obama announced that the United States formally recognizes India as a "major defense partner" and supports India's bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). CHINA