The US in the 2016 Philippines Election

This special feature highlighted how the US is discussed by the candidates of the Philippines 2016 Presidential Election, which took place on May 9, 2016.

Explore each candidate's background and experience in the US, as well as his or her positions on US-related issues.

Lead Researcher: Melissa Newcomb

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Rodrigo Duterte - EDCA

Duterte has publicly opposed the Visiting Forces Agreement which allows the entry of U.S. troops in the country and once claimed that he rejected the request of the United States to make Davao a center of drone operations in the region. [Source] August 12, 2013

Duterte says that Philippines gave EDCA “for free" and that EDCA does not promise US will come to Philippines’ aid if China attacks them. [Source] March 1, 2016

Duterte has “reservations about the presence of…

Jejomar Binay - EDCA

“We, therefore, view the recently signed Enhanced Cooperation Agreement, or EDCA, as an important pillar of our regional security policy. As well as an important response mechanism to humanitarian and natural disasters. A stronger American military presence in the Philippines and great interoperability between our respective armed forces dramatically increases our individual and collective defense capability. Providing an effective deterrent against external aggression.” [Source] May 1st, 2014

“Through the EDCA we have effectively upgraded our own security platform without shifting a significant…

Grace Poe - EDCA

Speaking to US Ambassador Philip Goldberg at a forum organized by Rotary Club Manila: "I'm sorry to say this Mr. Ambassador but I know the US is our ally. But we cannot fault [the Philippines] for thinking of their own interests. In pursuing any conflict, the first interest that we need to think of are our constituents." [Source] June 11, 2015

On November 6, 2015, Poe voted for a resolution drafted by Senator Miriam Santiago that EDCA should go through the Senate…

Miriam Santiago - EDCA

Drafted a resolution in Senate that EDCA go through Senate review which was approved by 14 Senators, including Grace Poe in November 2015. [Source]

On EDCA and protection from China: “You know, these diplomatic ins and outs are extremely complicated. There is no possible basis for saying it’s simple—let us side with America and it will fight the Chinese for us and that will be over. Of course not, what are you saying?” [Source] November 6, 2015

Mar Roxas - EDCA

On the Supreme Court and Justice in the Philippines: “The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement allows foreign entities to preposition logistics within our shores; some quarters are raising concerns whether such an agreement can be entered into by the Executive, without ratification by the Senate. Again, given the assertiveness of our neighbor to the northwest, this issue must be decided by men and women who will interpret the law not just from a theoretical perspective but from the highest and broadest national interest.”