The 2016 Presidential Campaigns on Asia tracker highlighted mentions of Asia Pacific issues by US presidential candidates and nominees in speeches, campaign documents, and debates.
2016 US Presidential Campaigns on Asia
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Hillary Clinton on North Korea
“North Korea’s goal is to blackmail the world into easing the pressure on its rogue regime. We can’t give in to or in any way encourage this kind of bullying. Instead, we should increase pressure and send Pyongyang an unmistakable message that its nuclear brinksmanship won’t succeed.” [Source] Statement on North Korea's Apparent Nuclear Test. January 6, 2016
"North Korea’s decision to conduct another nuclear test is outrageous and unacceptable. I strongly condemn this reckless action, which – coupled with its…
Donald Trump on the Trans-Pacific Partnership
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an attack on America's business. It does not stop Japan's currency manipulation. This is a bad deal." [Source] Twitter. April 22, 2015
“I’m a free trader. But the problem with free trade is you need really talented people to negotiate for you. If you don’t have talented people, if you don’t have great leadership, if you don’t have people that know business, not just a political hack that got the job because he made a contribution to…
Donald Trump on North Korea
“Well, first of all, it's not only Russia. We have problems with North Korea where they actually have nuclear weapons. You know, nobody talks about it, we talk about Iran, and that's one of the worst deals ever made. One of the worst contracts ever signed, ever, in anything, and it's a disgrace. But, we have somebody over there, a madman, who already has nuclear weapons we don't talk about that. That's a problem.” [Source] 4th Republican Debate. November 10, 2015
…Hillary Clinton on the Rebalance to Asia
"The rebalancing to Asia, otherwise known as 'the pivot,' was in response to the very real sense of abandonment that Asian leaders expressed to me. And my phone calls to them before I ever went to the region in February of 2009, you know, they believed that because we were so focused in Afghanistan and we were so focused in Iraq, and obviously had to be given all that we had invested there, that we were just not paying attention to the developments in Asia…
Hillary Clinton on Asia Pacific Allies and Partners
"We had hundreds of thousands of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our best allies and friends in Europe and Asia were really put out with us because of the way they'd been treated by the Bush administration and were very skeptical that the United States was a good ally any longer and wanted to lead the world toward peace, prosperity and security. I spent so much of my time getting back the confidence and the trust of our friends and allies around the world."…