2016 US Presidential Campaigns on Asia

The 2016 Presidential Campaigns on Asia tracker highlighted mentions of Asia Pacific issues by US presidential candidates and nominees in speeches, campaign documents, and debates.


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Tim Kaine on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

“Fast track was to give President Obama the same tools to negotiate a trade deal that every president since Gerald Ford has had, and of course I voted for that. Why would I not give to this president the same tools to negotiate a trade deal that other presidents have had? [Senator Kaine was one of 13 Democratic Senators that voted to give President Obama Trade Promotion Athority]” [Source] Interview with The Intercept While Serving as Senator for Virginia. July 21…

Mike Pence on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

“Throughout my career […] I have strongly supported free trade in measures that came before the Congress and when I was asked to support free trade initiatives as governor of Indiana. I supported them. But, frankly, we are on the verge of electing one of the best negotiators in the world as president of the United States of America and as Donald and I sat down and talked early on he talked to me about questioning the wisdom of these multi-country trade agreements, that when…

Donald Trump on China

“I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower. I love China. People say, Oh, you don’t like China? No, I love them. But their leaders are much smarter than our leaders, and we can’t sustain ourself with that. There’s too much — it’s like — it’s like take the New England Patriots and Tom Brady and have them play your high school football team. That’s the…

Donald Trump on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an attack on America's business. It does not stop Japan's currency manipulation. This is a bad deal." [Source] Twitter. April 22, 2015

“I’m a free trader. But the problem with free trade is you need really talented people to negotiate for you. If you don’t have talented people, if you don’t have great leadership, if you don’t have people that know business, not just a political hack that got the job because he made a contribution to…

Hillary Clinton on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

“In my time, eight years in the Senate, I voted for some trade agreements and I voted against others. I think I have a pretty good idea of what we can do to meet the tests that I believe any trade agreement, especially TPP must meet. It needs to, number one, protect American workers, number two, it needs to raise wages and create good jobs at home, number three, it needs to be in our national security interests. I’ve been saying that for months. Now…

Hillary Clinton on China

“China’s rise is the story of the twenty-first century how we handle that how we respond to it will determine our future and the world’s future. I want to see a peaceful rise for China I worked very hard on that as Secretary of State and I will continue to do so. But we also have to be fully vigilant, China's military is growing very quickly, they're establishing military installations that again threaten countries we have treaties with, like the Philippines because they are building…