Asia Reacts to...

The Asia Reacts to... series highlighted how various Asian media are reacting to US politics, policy, and major events. Explore the collated sources below to gauge the complexities of the US-Asia relationship as seen from Asia.

*DISCLAIMER: Spelling in the quotations may be changed from British English to American English.*

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Expectations Ahead of President Barack Obama's Visit to Hiroshima - India


"Obama and Trump, if only inadvertently, have drawn attention to the deeper paradox of Japan's nuclear story. Although Japan was the first and only victim of atomic weapons, its post-war security has depended on the American "nuclear umbrella." Long before Trump, the credibility of the US's extended deterrence had come under some questioning in Asia."

President Barack Obama's Historic Visit to Hiroshima - Japan

On May 27, 2016, President Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to visit Hiroshima, Japan and pay respects to the victims of the August 6, 1945, atomic bombing conducted by the United States during World War II. This page currently highlights both the expectations surrounding Obama's visit following the official confirmation of the visit on May 10, 2016, and reactions of the Asia Pacific community following the conclusion of the visit. JAPAN

President Barack Obama's First Visit to Vietnam - Thailand

From May 23 to 25, 2016 President Barack Obama took his first trip to Vietnam. During his trip, President Obama, alongside Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, eliminated the remainder of the arms embargo placed on Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War 41 years ago (the ban had been partially lifted in 2014 but several components remained) and the normalization of US - Vietnam diplomatic ties in 1995. THAILAND

President Barack Obama's First Visit to Vietnam - Japan

From May 23 to 25, 2016 President Barack Obama took his first trip to Vietnam. During his trip, President Obama, alongside Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, eliminated the remainder of the arms embargo placed on Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War 41 years ago (the ban had been partially lifted in 2014 but several components remained) and the normalization of US - Vietnam diplomatic ties in 1995. JAPAN

President Barack Obama's First Visit to Vietnam - India

From May 23 to 25, 2016 President Barack Obama took his first trip to Vietnam. During his trip, President Obama, alongside Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, eliminated the remainder of the arms embargo placed on Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War 41 years ago (the ban had been partially lifted in 2014 but several components remained) and the normalization of US - Vietnam diplomatic ties in 1995. INDIA

President Barack Obama's First Visit to Vietnam - China

From May 23 to 25, 2016 President Barack Obama took his first trip to Vietnam. During his trip, President Obama, alongside Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, eliminated the remainder of the arms embargo placed on Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War 41 years ago (the ban had been partially lifted in 2014 but several components remained) and the normalization of US - Vietnam diplomatic ties in 1995. CHINA

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Australia


"For 77% of Australian adults, Hillary Clinton is the preferred US President, with only 11% saying they would prefer Donald Trump. Most Australians (84%) say Hillary Clinton would do a better job of handling US foreign policy. Only 10% prefer Donald Trump for handling US foreign policy. Further, nearly six in ten Australians (59%)…

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Malaysia


"For me, it is not so much about his [Donald Trump's] policies, but more about the people that emerged from this whole mess. Now, it is perfectly okay to declare your love for Trump, while at the same time implying that you support all of his xenophobic claims. That to me is much more worrying than Trump himself." - Farhana Hasni, currently living in Fullerton, California

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - New Zealand


"New Zealanders would be most unwise to take the prospect of an upset Trump victory lightly. Our country's two most important economic and foreign policy goals: continued open access to the Chinese market under the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement; and steadily improving access to the US and Japanese markets under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would both be threatened by a…

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - North Korea


"In the lengthy column, Trump is described as a 'wise politician and presidential candidate with foresight' for his comments about the U.S. potentially withdrawing its troops from South Korea if Seoul doesn't bear the costs."

"It is up to…

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - China and Hong Kong


"That's because the Republican Party is more practical and Trump is a businessman who puts his commercial interests above everything else." - Wu Jun, political commentator, Hong Kong Phoenix Television

Eight Chinese scholars debate how Donald Trump will influence the US-China relationship given the likelihood of his nomination.

Reactions to the Likely Nomination of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - Japan


Japanese officials weigh in on Hillary Clinton's presumptive nomination as the Democratic candidate for President of the United States.

"Mind you, the Japanese followed the 2008 election with tremendous interest. They seemed to look on the rise of Barack Obama [...] as a symbol of the great things of which the United…