2020 US Presidential Candidates on the Indo-Pacific

The 2020 Presidential Candidates on the Indo-Pacific resource highlighted mentions of Indo-Pacific issues by US presidential candidates and nominees in speeches, campaign documents, and debates.

To view statements by President Trump prior to his June 18, 2019 declaration to seek a second term, as well as members of his Cabinet, visit The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations.

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Joe Biden's Op-Ed in "India West" on Indian Americans and the US-India Partnership

"Four years ago in November, one of the last events I hosted at the Vice President’s residence was a Diwali reception. Here I was, an Irish Catholic Vice President opening my home for a holiday traditionally observed by Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, and that night joined by Muslims, Christians, and Indian Americans of various backgrounds representing the diversity of the diaspora. In the shadow of a devastating and dark election, we gathered together for the festival of lights and new beginnings.

We found hope…

Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing - India

"Q During the conventions, Kimberly and Don Jr. had the outreach — the Indian American community — with a video called “Four More Years” for you, which has gone viral among the Indian Americans in the battleground states.

So my question is: Would Kimberly, Don Jr., and Ivanka Trump, who are very popular among Indian Americans — would be campaigning on your behalf around the Indian Americans with your views on the India and U.S. relationship?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I — I didn’t understand everything…

Joe Biden's Op-Ed with Senator Tammy Duckworth on Discrimination against Asian Americans

"A boy landed in the hospital after being beaten up by his classmates on school grounds. A little girl was pushed off her bike in the middle of a park. A nurse was assaulted on the subway, and another was spit on while delivering medicine to a sick patient. A father was hit over the head by a man swearing at him on the street.

In the past several months, countless Asian Americans have been punched and kicked and threatened…

Joe Biden Remarks at AAPI [Asian American and Pacific Islander] Victory Fund Progressive Summit

Remarks by President Trump on China and Asian Americans

“Q (Laughs.) Mr. President, on Monday, did you speak with Chinese President Xi before you urged Americans to not blame Asian Americans for the coronavirus? We noticed that you’ve backed off of that language. I know you’re speaking with him again tonight.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I’m speaking to him tonight. It’s scheduled to go tonight. I’ll have a call with President Xi of China. I have a very good relationship.

No, I didn’t like when they came up. And it — it wasn’t…

Pete Buttigieg's Agenda for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The story of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in the United States is far from a single narrative, as it consists of many unique experiences and remarkable contributions. Trailblazers like Wong Kim Ark and Patsy Takemoto Mink advanced fundamental rights, from birthright citizenship to Title IX of the Higher Education Act, which requires equal treatment of women. Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees made courageous journeys to rebuild their lives and start new businesses and communities in America. The 442nd Regiment, composed almost entirely of Japanese…

Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Decision 2020 Twitter Town Hall

Remarks by Vice President Pence at the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Lunar New Year Celebration

"THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all very much for that very warm welcome. And on behalf of the President of the United States and the First Family: Welcome to the White House. (Applause.)

And join me in thanking an extraordinary leader. I just — as soon as I heard her voice, I had to jump out from behind the curtain. (Laughter.) She is not only the 18th Secretary of Transportation, but frankly, she is one of the most distinguished public servants in the United…

President Trump's Remarks at Indian-American Gathering in Houston with Indian Prime Minister Modi

Andrew Yang's Remarks at Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic Presidential Forum