2020 US Presidential Candidates on the Indo-Pacific

The 2020 Presidential Candidates on the Indo-Pacific resource highlighted mentions of Indo-Pacific issues by US presidential candidates and nominees in speeches, campaign documents, and debates.

To view statements by President Trump prior to his June 18, 2019 declaration to seek a second term, as well as members of his Cabinet, visit The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations.

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Remarks by President Trump in Luncheon with Vice Premier Liu He of the People’s Republic of China

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: I thought that we would do it the way other; that the more I thought about this, the better it is. It’s — you can get your arms around it better the way we’ve got it. I like it better the way we’ve done it.

I just want to say this is a great day for both China and the United States. This is an agreement that people have been talking about for 40 years and never were able to get even a…

President Trump Meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan Before Bilateral Meeting

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. We have some of our great farmers and ranchers and businesspeople in the room, and likewise Japan. And we have tremendous representatives — some of the biggest people anywhere in the world — what we’re going and the agreement that we just signed. And it’s an honor to have you with us. I thought you could join us for this meeting.

We’ll be talking about certain elements of business and trade, and it would be good to have…

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Signing of Joint Trade Agreement

"[PRESIDENT TRUMP:] In a moment, the Prime Minister and I will sign a document outlining the significant steps we’re taking toward a fair and reciprocal trade agreement. We insist on fairness and we insist on reciprocal — we want reciprocal agreements from now on because — and I’m not just talking about Japan. I’m talking about virtually every nation in the world. They have not been reciprocal. They’ve been one-way streets.

Under the market access agreement that we’re announcing today, Japan will open new markets…

Readout of Vice President Mike Pence’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan

"Vice President Mike Pence and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan met today at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss topics of mutual interest in advance of the two leaders of their nations meeting tomorrow. The Vice President and the Deputy Prime Minister discussed global and bilateral issues, including people-to-people ties and cooperation in space, emphasizing the new heights that the US-Japan Alliance has reached under President Trump and Prime Minister Abe. The two also discussed the positive progress being made towards a…

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Modi of India Before Bilateral Meeting

"Q Mr. President, you’ve mentioned — President Trump, you’ve mentioned trade. You — and Prime Minister Modi had, during the Houston event, said that you know the art of the deal. Can we expect something on a trade deal in talks today? Or what, the U.S. and India, they can do together to boost trade ties going forward?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think very soon. We’re doing very well. And Bob Lighthizer, who’s right here, was negotiating with India and their very capable representatives. And…

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Lee of Singapore at a Signing Ceremony

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. We are close friends with Singapore and with Prime Minister Lee, and we’ve gotten to know each other very well.

And we’re signing a memorandum of defense — really, an understanding. And it’s a very strong understanding. We know where we are. We have an extraordinary relationship with Singapore and with the Prime Minister.

And we’re going to be — there’ll be a lot of — a lot of trade involved in our agreement today. We’re going to…

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Lee of Singapore Before Bilateral Meeting - North Korea

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. As we just said, we signed a very important agreement having to do with defense and mutual defense, and I guess you could say mutual offense, also.

But we — we’re now going to talk about trade. We do tremendous amounts of trade with Singapore. And the Prime Minister — highly respected. One of the truly most respected men anywhere in the world. And he’s been my friend for a long time. And we’re doing very well. But…

Remarks by President Trump and President Moon of the Republic of Korea Before Bilateral Meeting - North Korea

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. We’re pleased to be with President Moon of South Korea. We have a long-term friendship, and we are making a lot of progress. We are working on tremendous trade deals. We — as you know, we’ve completed a trade deal, and that’s working out very well for both countries. That deal is completed now, and it’s been in existence for — solidly in existence for six months. And it’s been very good.

And we intend to do some…

President Trump's Remarks at Indian-American Gathering in Houston with Indian Prime Minister Modi

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Morrison of Australia at Pratt Industries Plant Opening

"This is a very special occasion. Today, we celebrate the extraordinary economic partnership between our nations and we proudly declare that Pratt Industries and this great, great state of Ohio is open for business. (Applause.) Open for business.

And Pratt has pledged, as I said, to invest many billions of dollars in the United States. It’s okay if you come back to Ohio. You know, you can keep coming back here. Do you — I think we want him back. He’ll do another couple of…

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Morrison of Australia at State Dinner

"PRESIDENT TRUMP: Prime Minister Morrison, Mrs. Morrison: Melania and I are immensely honored to host you and the entire Australian delegation for a State Dinner in the historic Rose Garden. I want to thank America’s magnificent First Lady for this truly exquisite evening. Thank you very much to Melania. She worked hard. Thank you. (Applause.) Great job.

Tonight, we celebrate more than a century of loyal and devoted friendship between the United States and Australia. Both of our nations are blessed by the uncommon courage…