The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Hal Jay and Brian Estridge of WBAP Morning News - North Korea

"QUESTION: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is with us right now. That leverage that we talk about when it comes to energy doesn’t just play in the Middle East. Does it factor into the negotiations that are ongoing with North Korea at all?

SECRETATRY POMPEO: North Korea presents a special situation for sure, but nobody can escape the truth. The truth is to grow an economy you need energy. Their electrical infrastructure needs work. They need refined petroleum products. One of the ways that we’ve…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer of KTRH Houston's Morning News - North and South Korea

"QUESTION: All right, again, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is with us here on NewsRadio 740, KTRH. Obviously the President met not that long ago with Kim Jong-un in an attempt to try to move things a little bit forward in our dealings with North Korea. There’s been all sorts of reports about whether or not the North Koreans are restarting up some of their nuclear program. Is there anything you can tell us about that and bring us up to date on that story?

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Deneige Broom of KRIV Fox 26 Houston Morning News - North Korea

"QUESTION: And switching gears to North Korea, with the last – I know you know that it was coming – with the last summit with President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, it was essentially a stalemate. At least that’s what it seems to us, because Kim Jong-un was saying he doesn’t – he hasn’t released a plan yet, at least, for denuclearization. President Trump says that he isn’t willing to lift the U.S. sanctions to make that happen. So it seems like a…

Interview of Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry With Brian Sullivan of CNBC - China

"QUESTION: First to you, Secretary Pompeo. You were just talking on stage about China. China would like to develop its own oil and gas assets in many disputed waters. What is the greatest tool that we have got from an energy policy perspective to blunt their growing influence and their desire to capture their own oil and gas in those disputed waters?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So, Brian, thanks for having me on the show. There’s two. One is the rule of law. The fundamental idea that…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Rose-Ann Aragon of KPRC 2 Houston - North Korea

"QUESTION: Thank you. Now turning to foreign affairs, specifically with North Korea. Can you talk with us about you – what is your take on the situation with North Korea, the satellites showing that they’re maybe restarting this long-range rocket facility? And also the situation in Iran, with them potentially working on missiles that are blacklisted. Can you talk to me about what is your take on the situation in North Korea right now?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So we’ve been working at this, since the administration…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Jason Miles of KHOU-11 News - North Korea and China

"QUESTION: Obviously you travel the globe from country to country, crisis to crisis – North Korea, China, Venezuela, name it. As far as the Trump administration is concerned right now, what’s the most concerning or biggest global issue for you personally and/or the administration?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So it’s always hard to pick the top issue. We’ve certainly focused on North Korea, trying to convince Chairman Kim to honor the commitment he made this past June to denuclearize. The President’s focused on the border as well…

Secretary Pompeo's Keynote Address at CERAWeek - China and Southeast Asia

"Take China, just for starters. China’s illegal island-building in international waterways isn’t simply a security matter.

By blocking development in the South China Sea through coercive means, China prevents ASEAN members from accessing more than $2.5 trillion in recoverable energy reserves. To contrast, the United States Government promotes energy security for those Southeast Asian nations. We want countries in the region to have access to their own energy. We want to help them. We want to create partnerships. We want transparent transactions, not debt traps…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Laura Rice of Texas Standard - North Korea

"QUESTION: You mentioned North Korea. The proposed cuts to the State Department come soon after a second summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, where no agreement was made. Where do we stand now in that situation?

SECRETARY POMPEO: I’ve personally been working on this alongside the President for my entire time as the Secretary of State, and in fact even just a bit before. In Singapore, in June of last year, Chairman Kim made a historic commitment to denuclearize his country…

President Trump's Remarks on China and North Korea

"Q Mr. President, we’re hearing rumblings from China that they’re not really positive about a trade deal and that perhaps (inaudible) may not happen. Where is that?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I haven’t heard that. I think they’re doing well. But if it happened that way, we’ll do even better. We’ll do very well either way, with or without a deal. But you’re telling me something that I have not heard.

Q Do you feel confident that you can get a trade deal with China?


Vice President Pence's Remarks at the National Association of Manufacturers Board Meeting in Arizona - China

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the Iowa Farm Bureau - China, Vietnam, India, and North Korea

"I want to talk about agriculture and innovation and our relationship with China. The two, as you know, are deeply intertwined.

In 1980, a now very famous man, the then-governor of Guangdong Province, led the first-ever Chinese governors’ delegation here to the United States, and they traveled straight here, straight to Iowa.

A few years later, his son followed in his father’s footsteps with a visit here and struck up a friendship with the governor. Today, President Trump and President Xi deal with each other…

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the Future Farmers of America - China

"I just came back from Vietnam, from Hanoi, and I also traveled to the Philippines, to Manila, on that trip. Did anybody watch the President in Hanoi working to try and get the nuclear weapons out of North Korea? Did you all see on TV? We made some progress. We didn’t get to where we had hoped to be, and I think there’s a lesson in that. I think there’s a lot more work to do there. But the threat, the threat that’s posed to…