The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo With John Roberts of Fox News America Reports - China

"QUESTION: A Fox News alert now, the United States leveling perhaps the most serious charge a country can face, accusing China in the last hour and a bit of committing genocide and crimes against humanity in its repression of Uyghur Muslims. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the announcement just a short time ago. He joins us now for an exclusive interview.

Mr. Secretary, good to have you with us. Let me just read if I could from your statement. You said, quote, “I have…

Determination of the Secretary of State on Atrocities in Xinjiang

"The United States of America has led the world in holding the perpetrators of the most heinous human rights abuses accountable. From the Nuremberg Trials, to the creation of the Genocide Convention in 1948, to the declaration of ISIS’s recent genocide against the Yazidis, Christians, and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, Americans have given voice to those who have been silenced by evil, and stood with the living who cry out for truth, the rule of law, and justice. We do so not…

Designating PRC and Hong Kong Officials After Widespread Pro-Democracy Arrests in Hong Kong

"Today, the United States is designating six PRC and Hong Kong officials in connection with the draconian National Security Law (NSL), pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13936, “The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization.”

On January 6, Hong Kong authorities arrested more than 50 people in an appalling crackdown on pro-democracy politicians and activists who were trying to advance fair and open primary elections for Hong Kong’s Legislative Council. Thirteen former Legislative Council members, an American lawyer, and a former law professor were among…

Secretary Pompeo With Hugh Hewitt of The Hugh Hewitt Show - China and Taiwan

"QUESTION: Thank you. The Chinese Communist Party has a mouthpiece, the Global Times, which has a lead editorial today: China to respond to U.S. provocations in next 10 days, which concluded, and I want to quote, Mr. Secretary, “We would rather face a Taiwan Straits crisis, even a storm, in the next 10 days if Pompeo and his likes become more aggressive and provocative before leaving office. The crisis will teach Taiwan secessionists a lesson and nail Pompeo and his likes to the pillar of…

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks on the Hoover Institution’s Pacific Century Podcast With Co-Hosts Michael Auslin and John Yoo - China

"MR AUSLIN: Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for joining us on the Pacific Century. We’d like to talk primarily about China today with you, and we know this has, of course, been a great focus of yours. A while ago you said it was the first thing you think about in the morning when you get up and the last thing you think about in the evening. You’ve had an extraordinarily productive set of policies related to China, but one of the responses that…

Secretary Pomepo's Remarks at the Voice of America (VOA) Headquarters - China

"SECRETARY POMPEO: [...] When the Chinese Communist Party attempted to exploit the tragic death of George Floyd to claim their authoritarian system was somehow superior to ours, I issued a statement, which read in part: “During the best of times, the People’s Republic of China ruthlessly imposes communism. But amid the most difficult challenge, the United States secures freedom.”

There is no moral equivalence. This is a self-evident truth. [...]

VOA was rubber-stamping J-1 visas for foreign nationals, including some from communist China. We shouldn’t…

Joint Statement on Hong Kong

"The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Begin Text:

We, the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, underscore our serious concern at the mass arrests of 55 politicians and activists in Hong Kong for subversion under the National Security Law.

The National Security Law is a clear breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and undermines the ‘One Country, Two…

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks On the Mass Arrests of Democracy Advocates in Hong Kong

"Today’s arrests of more than 50 politicians and pro-democracy advocates by local authorities in Hong Kong is an outrage, and a reminder of the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt for its own people and the rule of law. Those arrested are guilty of nothing but exercising the democratic rights promised to them by treaty, and due to them through virtue of their humanity. They should be released immediately and unconditionally.

The United States will not stand idly by while the people of Hong Kong suffer under…

Secretary Pompeo With Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders Program - China

"QUESTION: Secretary Mike Pompeo, such a pleasure to have you on American Thought Leaders.

SECRETARY POMPEO: It’s great to be with you. Thanks for the invitation to be here and have this great conversation today.

QUESTION: Well, we’re going to focus on your “distrust and verify” approach to China and on religious freedom as well, since we don’t have a ton of time. I’d love to talk to you about all sorts of things. So in – when you were at – speaking at the…

On the Fate of the “Hong Kong 12”

"Hong Kong was a thriving territory until the Chinese Communist Party and its local lackeys destroyed its rule of law and eviscerated the Hong Kong people’s freedoms. The “Hong Kong 12” who tried to flee this tyranny deserved a hero’s welcome abroad, not capture, a secret trial, and prison sentences. The United States strongly condemns the Shenzhen court’s actions and calls for the ten members of the group who were sentenced to jail terms to be immediately and unconditionally released.

The CCP’s persecution of the…

On the Silencing and Prosecution of PRC Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan

"The United States strongly condemns the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) sham prosecution and conviction of citizen journalist Zhang Zhan on December 28. We call on the PRC government to release her immediately and unconditionally. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has shown once again it will do whatever it takes to silence those who question the Party’s official line, even regarding crucial public health information.

Lying is a feature, not a bug of authoritarian regimes. The CCP restricted and manipulated information about the COVID-19 outbreak…

Additional Restrictions on the Issuance of Visas for People’s Republic of China Officials Engaged in Human Rights Abuses

"China’s authoritarian rulers impose draconian restrictions on the Chinese people’s freedoms of expression, religion or belief, association, and the right to peaceful assembly. The United States has been clear that perpetrators of human rights abuses like these are not welcome in our country.

Today, I am announcing the imposition of additional restrictions under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on the issuance of visas for Chinese officials who are believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, policies or actions aimed at repressing…