The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo's Remarks in Remembrance of the Mumbai Attacks

"On behalf of the Government of the United States of America and all Americans, I express my solidarity with the people of India and the city of Mumbai on the 10th anniversary of the Mumbai terrorist attack. We stand with the families and friends of the victims, whose loved ones were lost in this act of barbarism, including six American citizens. The barbarity of 26/11 shocked the entire world.

It is an affront to the families of the victims that, after ten years, those who…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With George Lawson of KFDI News

"QUESTION: Can you talk about the working group that has been set up by the U.S. and South Korea on dealings with North Korea?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes. That – it’s important as we work to denuclearize North Korea, as we work to fulfill the promises that were made between President Trump and Chairman Kim, there are lots of elements to them. One of them is the relationship between South Korea and North Korea, and the working group is designed to make sure that that effort…

President Trump's Remarks in Thanksgiving Teleconference with Members of the Military - China

"Q How prepared are you for this meeting with President Xi? How are you preparing for it? And how confident are you that you got a deal?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m very prepared. I’ve been preparing for it all my life. You know, it’s not like, “Oh, gee, I’m going to sit down and study.” I know every ingredient. I know every stat. I know it better than anybody knows it. And my gut has always been right. And we’re doing very well, and I will…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Pete Mundo of the Pete Mundo Morning Show - North Korea

"QUESTION: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joining us here on 710 KCMO. Pete Mundo with you. Mr. Secretary, let’s dive into North Korea. Obviously, some rumblings about maybe an early-2019 meeting, another summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump. Where do we stand on that relationship and what might be next between these two countries?

SECRETARY POMPEO: This has been an incredibly important part of President Trump’s foreign policy agenda. Among the greatest risks to the American people when we took office was the capacity…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Andy Hooser of The Voice of Reason, KQAM - North Korea

"SECRETARY POMPEO: But we have been incredibly privileged to get this opportunity to serve in President Trump’s administration, and frankly, in these now – goodness – coming up on two years of this administration, America is in a better place. It’s more secure today than it was when we took office, whether it’s the work that we’ve done to try and reduce the threat in North Korea or the work that we’ve done to try and create a better set of conditions in the Middle…

President Trump's Remarks on China

"We’re doing very well with China. China wants to make a deal very badly. They might not say that to you, but they want to make it very badly. I have another 250 billion dollars’ worth of tariffs to put on if we don’t make a deal. And, believe me, I’ll be putting them on because China has been ripping off our country for many, many years. And they don’t rip us off with me."

USTR Updates Section 301 Investigation on China

"The Office of the United States Trade Representative today released a report updating information on its Section 301 investigation of China’s acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation.

“We completed this update as part of this Administration’s strengthened monitoring and enforcement effort,” Ambassador Robert Lighthizer said. “This update shows that China has not fundamentally altered its unfair, unreasonable, and market-distorting practices that were the subject of the March 2018 report on our Section 301 investigation.”

To read the report, click here."

President Trump's Interview with Fox News's Chris Wallace - North Korea

Vice President Pence's Remarks at Announcement of the Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership

"Prime Minister O’Neill, it is an honor to be with you here in Papua New Guinea for this historic announcement. And it is my great honor, on behalf on President Donald Trump, to join with Prime Minister Abe, Prime Minister Morrison, and Prime Minister Ardern in announcing the Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership that will bring electricity to 70 percent of the people of Papua New Guinea by the year 2030.

Mr. Prime Minister, that is an extraordinary commitment on your part. It’s a reflection…

Vice President Pence’s Meeting with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia

"Vice President Pence met today with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia in Port Moresby. Vice President Pence thanked Prime Minister Morrison for Australia’s continued efforts to enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions on North Korean maritime activities. The two leaders agreed on the need to continue engaging with all members of the international community to maintain pressure until North Korea implements its commitment to denuclearize. Vice President Pence and Prime Minister Morrison reviewed key APEC outcomes and discussed the Indo-Pacific region with a particular…

Readout of Vice President Pence’s Meeting with Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of Papua New Guinea

"Vice President Pence met today with Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby. Vice President Pence thanked Prime Minister O’Neill for Papua New Guinea’s leadership in hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings and recognized his government’s work on improving the lives of the people of Papua New Guinea. They noted the pivotal role played by the U.S. private sector in PNG’s current and future development, including Exxon Mobil’s $19 billion investment, and affirmed the continued role of such investment in realizing…