The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Vice President Pence's Interview with Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman of “Politico Playbook Live”

"And, frankly, just so everybody knows, our — other nations of the world are already doing this. China recently tested a space-based missile that took out one of their satellites to demonstrate, presumably, that they could do it. Other countries are testing new satellite systems that have the ability to move close to and in proximity of other satellites, with disruptive intent, presumably.

So we just got to stay in the forefront. We’ve got to be as dominant for security in space. But we have…

Defense Secretary Mattis's Remarks on Alliances and Partnerships - Indo Pacific

President Trump's Interview with Fox News' Laura Ingraham - North Korea and China

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Illinois - China and North Korea

President Trump's Remarks at the 91st Annual Future Farmers of America Convention and Expo - Japan

"Japan re-opened its market to U.S. exports of meat from sheep and goat for the first time in over 14 years. Anybody in that business? (Applause.) First time in 14 years. Japan. Don’t forget, Japan sends us millions of cars. So now we send them some goat, right? So far, they’re winning. We’re sending them a goat. They’re sending us millions of cars. But they’re great people, and they have a great leader — Prime Minister Abe — and he understands. He understands. We’re opening…

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Illinois - Trade with China

President Trump's Remarks at the 91st Annual Future Farmers of America Convention and Expo - China

"And I opened China to our beef a year ago. I haven’t checked recently how we’re doing there because we are in the middle of a pretty nasty dispute that we will win. We will win. No, we’re going to win it. (Applause.) But China was taking our beef. First time since the year 2000, when they ended it. But I went to President Xi, and he agreed to do it. And it was great. And it will all work out between China and the…

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Hugh Hewitt of the Hugh Hewitt Show - China

"QUESTION: [...] Mr. Secretary, in the past two weeks I’ve had on Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor John Bolton and now you. They both indicated a clear turning in our strategic posture vis-a-vis the People’s Republic of China and I wanted to ask: Am I correct in recognizing our public tone is different? And was there a moment where the President said, look, I’m going to be the good cop with President Xi and you three, and Secretary Mattis, you, Mike Pompeo, John…

Secretary Pompeo's Call with Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs

"Secretary Michael R. Pompeo spoke by phone today with the Philippines’ Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Teodoro Locsin Jr., to congratulate him on his new position. The Secretary reaffirmed the longstanding U.S.-Philippines alliance and recognized the Philippines’ important role in the Indo-Pacific region. Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Locsin discussed ongoing efforts to address regional issues such as North Korea, the South China Sea, and counterterrorism."

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Wisconsin - China

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Wisconsin - Japan, North Korea, and South Korea