The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo's Remarks With Traveling Press - North Korea

"QUESTION: North Korea has a delegation they just announced yesterday going this week to Russia and to China, and then also having a meeting with Russia and China led by the vice foreign minister. What’s your reaction to that?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So we talk with Choe Son-hui all the time. We know her as well. We know that China is going to be part of the solution. They’ll ultimately be – when we get to the end, we will have signed a peace – if…

Vice President Pence's Remarks on the Administration’s Policy Toward China

"But our message to China’s rulers is this: This President will not back down. (Applause.) The American people will not be swayed. And we will continue to stand strong for our security and our economy, even as we hope for improved relations with Beijing.

Our administration is going to continue to act decisively to protect America’s interests, American jobs, and American security.

As we rebuild our military, we will continue to assert American interests across the Indo-Pacific.

As we respond to China’s trade practices, we…

President Trump's Remarks at National Electrical Contractors Association Convention - Trade with Japan and China

"Now, as you probably have heard, we’re looking at China and other countries, and we’re straightening out some of these horrible deals that stole our wealth, stole our jobs, stole so much from us. Actually, in many ways, stole our dignity as a country. (Applause.) [...]We’re preparing to start negotiations, right now, with Japan. And we have taken the toughest-ever actions in our history against China’s very abusive trading policies and trade practices.

China has been taking out of our country $500 billion a year…

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the Media - North Korea

"QUESTION: I wanted to ask about North Korea, Mr. Secretary. The North Koreans have a new commentary saying the end-of-war declaration issue should’ve been resolved half a century ago in light of your trip coming up. Will it be resolved this weekend? And if not, what would be the reasoning against offering this?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So I’m not going to comment on the progress of the negotiations on the end-of-war declaration or any other items, only to say this: I’m very happy to be going…

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Mississippi - Trade with South Korea and Japan

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Mississippi - Trade with China

President Trump's Remarks at Rally in Mississippi - North Korea

President Trump's Call with President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia

"Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia. The President shared his condolences for the earthquake and tsunami that struck Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, on September 28, 2018. He offered his support to the victims and their families and acknowledged the Indonesian Government’s leadership in response to the crisis. The President offered to provide immediate assistance and pledged to work closely with the Government of Indonesia to identify additional United States assistance to best support relief efforts."

Secretary Pompeo's Travel to Tokyo, [Japan,] Pyongyang, [North Korea,] Seoul, [South Korea,] and Beijing [China]

"Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will travel to Tokyo, Japan; Pyongyang, DPRK; Seoul, Republic of Korea; and Beijing, China from October 6-8.

In Tokyo, October 6-7, the Secretary will meet with Prime Minister Abe and Foreign Minister Taro Kono.

In Pyongyang, October 7, the Secretary will meet with Chairman Kim Jong Un.

In Seoul, October 7-8, the Secretary will meet with President Moon Jae-in, and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha.

In Beijing, October 8, the Secretary will meet with his Chinese counterparts to discuss bilateral…

Secretary Pompeo's Meeting With Australia Foreign Minister Marise Payne

"Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne today. The two praised the vibrancy of the bilateral relationship, including our joint efforts to promote a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific. The ministers coordinated on our top foreign policy goals, particularly achieving a fully denuclearized North Korea. The two exchanged information on events and engagements around the just-completed UN General Assembly Leaders Week and on supporting the upcoming East Asia Summit in Singapore and the APEC Leaders Summit in Papua New Guinea. As…

President Trump's Remarks at Campaign Rally in Wheeling, West Virginia - North Korea

President Trump Campaign Rally in Wheeling, West Virginia - Trade with Japan and China