The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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President Trump's Remarks on China During September 21, 2020 Interview with Fox and Friends

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks on Religious Faith

"Today, sadly, millions and millions of people still live under regimes that want to banish faith from the public square, or any of notion of God from basic civic life.

Today, perhaps the most egregious example is the Chinese Communist Party. Today in the western part of China, a place that none of us might know, a place called Xinjiang, more than a million Chinese have been forced into internment camps, being surveilled 24/7, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, today, in the world in which we…

Secretary Pompeo With Maria Bartiromo of Fox News Sunday Morning Futures - China

QUESTION: Yeah. I mean, where is Europe in this? Similar situation as it relates to China. You’ve got 30 countries pushing back on Huawei and we’re still waiting on any resolution in Europe. Same with Iran. Can you talk about that a bit and just give me the practical changes that we’ll see as a result of this snapback in sanctions on Iran?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So the second question as a practical thing, there’ll be a whole lot more things that would have taken place…

Secretary Ross' Statement on Delayed Prohibitions Related to TikTok

"In light of recent positive developments, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, at the direction of President Trump, will delay the prohibition of identified transactions pursuant to Executive Order 13942, related to the TikTok mobile application that would have been effective on Sunday, September 20, 2020, until September 27, 2020 at 11:59 p.m."

Nepali Constitution Day

"On behalf of the American people and the United States Government, I extend best wishes to the people of Nepal as you celebrate your Constitution Day on September 19.

For over seven decades, the United States and Nepal have enjoyed friendship and close ties between our peoples, and we are committed to supporting Nepal’s path toward a stable, prosperous, and sovereign future. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Nepal and working together on economic recovery, disaster preparedness, and sustainable development, even as we…

Commerce Department Prohibits WeChat and TikTok Transactions to Protect the National Security of the United States

"In response to President Trump’s Executive Orders signed August 6, 2020, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) today announced prohibitions on transactions relating to mobile applications (apps) WeChat and TikTok to safeguard the national security of the United States. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has demonstrated the means and motives to use these apps to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and the economy of the U.S. Today’s announced prohibitions, when combined, protect users in the U.S. by eliminating access to these applications and significantly reducing…

Secretary Pompeo With Leeron Brummel of National Communications Network - China

"QUESTION: Ah, 400 (inaudible). Interesting. Part of that, as you said, is helping the interests of the U.S. Government and the Guyana Government in terms of what opportunities we have looking at Guyana’s emerging energy sector as well. Have discussions been held with the private sector agencies or stakeholders, and how are we looking – how do we intend to have a discussion on accessing markets?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. So I talk to American private sector leaders all the time. I consider it part of…

Secretary Pompeo And Suriname President Chandrikapersad “Chan” Santokhi At a Press Availability - China

"QUESTION: That’s a good idea. Mr. President, thank you. I wanted to ask you if you think that there is a competition between the United States and China here in Suriname and more broadly in the region. Did Secretary Pompeo make a convincing case to choose American companies as you go forward with your economic development, and do you feel that there is a choice that you have to make between the two countries, the United States and China? Thanks very much.


Secretary Pompeo and UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab at a Press Availability - China

"We also discussed the challenges presented to the world by the Chinese Communist Party, and the challenges that that same party presents to the people of China.

We’re all overcoming the virus that the CCP allowed out of Wuhan. But while we’re all recovering, the party’s aggression abroad and abuses at home have gotten even worse.

We appreciate the steps that the British Government has taken to face the China challenge in recent months. That includes remarkable work speaking up for the people of Hong…

Secretary Esper's Speech at RAND - China

"Today, in this era of great power competition, the Department of Defense has prioritized China then Russia, as our top strategic competitors. These revisionist powers are using predatory economics, political subversion, and military force in an attempt to shift the balance of power in their favor, and often at the expense of others.

China for example is exerting its malign influence through its “One-Belt, One-Road” Initiative. This campaign has left weaker nations with crushing debt, forcing them to take their economic relief at the expense…

On Yoshihide Suga’s Election as Prime Minister of Japan

"I congratulate Yoshihide Suga on his election by the Diet as the next Prime Minister of Japan. The U.S.-Japan Alliance is the cornerstone of peace, security, and prosperity in a free and open Indo-Pacific and is central to upholding a rules-based international order. The United States looks forward to working with Prime Minister Suga in promoting the Alliance as a force for transparency, accountability, openness, prosperity, and peace in the Indo-Pacific and around the world. Congratulations, as well, to Toshimitsu Motegi on continuing in his…