The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Ross's Remarks at the Indo-Pacific Business Forum

Secretary Pompeo's Interview With Michelle Caruso-Cabrera of CNBC - Trade

"We’re convinced that American engagement in the Indo-Pacific benefits all the nations in that region. We want it to be free, we want it to be open. We’re not looking for dominance. We’re looking for partnerships. Others choose to behave differently. We want these to be commercially available projects led by the American private sector in a way that benefits the entire region and the world. [...] Well, the right mechanism is to be determined, but President Trump wants free trade. Make no mistake about…

Vice President Pence's Remarks on Repatriation of US Service Members's Remains from North Korea

"Thanks to the leadership of President Donald Trump, North Korea committed to return the remains of our American service members who fell in the Korean War. This agreement was deeply meaningful to so many families across America and demonstrated once again the President’s unwavering commitment to the courageous men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States. President Trump asked that I travel to Hawaii on August 1 to participate in the Honorable Carry Ceremony and receive the remains as they return…

Media Availability by Secretary Mattis - North Korea

"Q: Do you see that as a confidence-building measure to some extent? Does it give you any more additional confidence that the North Koreans are going to engage in their promise on denuclearization? SEC. MATTIS: Yes, Barbara, clearly what we have here is something that has been frozen for -- for years now, and so that's warmed up. The remains were turned over as agreed during the -- or it’s initiated and agreed during the summit that President Trump had with Chairman Kim. It was…

USTR Lighthizer Remarks to Senator Collins During Appropriations Committee Hearing - China

USTR Lighthizer's Remarks to Senator Moran During Appropriations Committee Hearing - China

USTR Lighthizer Remarks to Senator Murkowski During Appropriations Committee Hearing - China

President Trump's Remarks in Illinois - China and North Korea