This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.
The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations
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Secretary Mattis' Meeting with ASEAN Leaders at the Shangri-La Dialogue
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met today with ministers and heads of delegation from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore to discuss security challenges and opportunities for increased cooperation. They had a robust exchange of views on regional security issues, focusing on counterterrorism and maritime security cooperation and the threat posed by North Korea. Participants expressed appreciation for U.S.-ASEAN cooperation noting the 40th anniversary of U.S.-ASEAN relations. They highlighted the importance of ASEAN unity, welcomed…
Secretary Mattis' Meeting with Singaporean Minister of Defense Dr. Ng Eng Hen
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met June 3 with Singaporean Minister of Defense Ng Eng Hen on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, a major annual forum for key leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss security challenges and opportunities. The secretary and the minister of defense affirmed the long-standing bilateral defense relationship between the United States and Singapore. The two leaders exchanged views on the regional security environment in Southeast Asia and discussed a range mutual security interests, including countering violent extremism…
Secretary Mattis' Meeting with Thai Deputy Defense Minister General Udomdej
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met June 3 with Thailand's Deputy Minister of Defense General Udomdej Sitabutr on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, a major annual forum for key leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss security challenges and opportunities. The two officials reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen the 184-year-old U.S.-Thai alliance, and exchanged views on regional and bilateral security issues. They reviewed the broad range of U.S.-Thai defense cooperation and Thailand's continuing contributions to regional security. The Secretary and General Udomdej…
Secretary Mattis' Meeting with Indonesian Minister of Defense Ryamizard
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met June 3 with Indonesian Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore to discuss security challenges and defense cooperation. They exchanged views on the regional security environment and highlighted the need for continued ASEAN unity to address shared challenges facing Southeast Asia. The Secretary and Minister Ryamizard discussed cooperation on countering violent extremism from groups like ISIS and addressed the threat posed by returning foreign fighters. Secretary Mattis relayed his appreciation for the…
Secretary Mattis Remarks at Shangri-La Dialogue - South China Sea
"The 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the case brought by the Philippines on the South China Sea is binding. We call on all claimants to use this as a starting point to peacefully manage their disputes in the South China Sea. Artificial island construction and indisputable militarization of facilities on features in international waters undermine regional stability. The scope and effect of China's construction activities in the South China Sea differ from those in other countries in several key ways. This…
Secretary Mattis Remarks at the Shangri-La Dialogue - ASEAN
"And our combined interoperability with allied forces, enhanced through forced posture initiatives that we're taking, ensures we are prepared to cooperate during real-world crises. Deterrence of war, however, remains our ultimate goal. We are helping to train, advise and assist the Philippine force in their fight against violent extremist organizations in the south. And I think we all owe that support to the Philippine government. We also continue to support the modernization of the Philippine Armed Forces to address the country's security challenges. During this…
Secretary Mattis Remarks at Shangri-La Dialogue - North Korea
"As Vice President Pence stated, the most urgent and dangerous threat to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific is North Korea. North Korea's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is not new. But the regime has increased the pace and the scope of its efforts. While the North Korean regime has a long record of murder of diplomats, of kidnapping innocents, of killing of sailors, other criminal activity, its nuclear weapons program is maturing is a threat to all. Coupled…
Secretary Mattis' Remarks at Shangri-La Dialogue - China
"While competition between the U.S. and China, the world's two largest economies, is bound to occur, conflict is not inevitable. Our two countries can and do cooperate for mutual benefit. And we will pledge to work closely with China where we share common cause. We seek instructive, results-oriented relationship with China. We believe the United States can engage China diplomatically and economically to ensure our relationship is beneficial, not only to the United States and China, but also to the region and to the world…
Secretary Mattis' Meeting with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met June 2 with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, a major annual forum for key leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss security challenges and opportunities. The Secretary and the Prime Minister exchanged views on a range of global security issues and both emphasized the importance of our continued close collaboration in addressing shared security challenges. The Secretary expressed his appreciation to the Prime Minister for hosting the upcoming Australia-United States…
Secretary Mattis' Meeting with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee
"Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met June 2 with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, a major annual forum for key leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss mutual security challenges including cooperation on maritime security. The secretary and the prime minister reaffirmed the excellent and long-standing bilateral defense relationship between the United States and Singapore, as underscored by the 1990 memorandum of understanding, the 2005 strategic framework agreement, and the 2015 enhanced defense cooperation agreement…
USTR Lighthizer Meets with Japanese Trade Minister
"U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer this afternoon met with Japanese Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshige Seko to discuss U.S.-Japan trade relations and cooperation against trade-distorting practices by third countries. In their meeting, Ambassador Lighthizer stressed the importance of addressing the bilateral trade imbalance, given the very high and decades-long U.S. goods trade deficit with Japan. He additionally underscored how both countries can effectively utilize the U.S.-Japan Economic Dialogue. Both sides also stressed the importance of further deepening enforcement cooperation to address unfair practices…
USTR Lighthizer Meets with New Zealand's Trade Minister
"U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer this morning welcomed New Zealand Trade Minister Todd McClay for a meeting on the two countries' strong trade relationship. Ambassador Lighthizer reiterated the United States' commitment to continued engagement in the Pacific region for free and fair trade with all U.S. trading partners. Along with the U.S.-New Zealand Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, he highlighted opportunities to further deepen the trade partnership and to coordinate on solutions to global dairy market challenges. Ambassador Lighthizer underscored that U.S. exporters are deeply…