The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Remarks by Secretary Mattis and Indian National Security Adviser Doval

"Mr. Doval, ambassador and Indian delegation, welcome to the Pentagon. We're delighted to have you here. Democracies like ours need this sort of dialogue and we have had a strengthening of the relationship over the last several years. And no relationship stays the same. They either decline or they get better, they get stronger. And our intent here today is to continue to strengthen the relationship and to make certain that it gets stronger every year between two democracies that have many common interests, many…

Secretary Tillerson's Remarks With President Xi Jinping Before Their Meeting

SECRETARY TILLERSON: President Xi, thank you so much for that very warm welcome, and for receiving me in Beijing on this, my first visit to China as Secretary of State.

President Trump places a very high value on the communications that have already occurred between yourself and President Trump, most particularly the very lengthy telephone conversation, where there were very good exchanges to improve the understanding of China's view of the relationship with the United States, and President Trump's view, as well. And he looks…

Secretary Tillerson's Remarks Before His Meeting With Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi

"SECRETARY TILLERSON: Thank you very much, State Councilor Yang, and again, it’s wonderful to see you in Beijing. It’s a real pleasure to be in Beijing. I too enjoyed our first meeting in Washington, DC. It was a very fruitful meeting. We had the opportunity to have a good exchange on our two leaders getting to know one another better, and we too look forward to this future opportunity for the two leaders to meet. The better they know one another, the stronger will be…

Secretary Tillerson's Remarks With Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a Press Availability

"SECRETARY TILLERSON: Nihao. Good afternoon. I’m pleased to be here this afternoon in Beijing to discuss the way forward in forging a constructive and results-oriented relationship between the United States and China. This is an important opportunity to follow up on the telephone conversation between President Trump and President Xi and to pave the way for continued productive high-level engagement. Since the historic opening of relations between our two countries more than 40 years ago, the U.S.-China relationship has been guided by an understanding of…

Secretary Tillerson's Remarks With Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn Before Their Meeting

"SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, thank you, Mr. President, for allowing me to come see you today. I am here to express, again, and reaffirm the ironclad alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea, which does serve as the linchpin for security and stability in the Korean Peninsula.

I also want to stress the importance of our strong and historic people-to-people ties, our growing economic cooperation, and, as you mentioned, our strong alliance around security in response to the growing threat from North Korea…

Secretary Tillerson's Remarks With Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se Before Their Meeting

"SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, I am very honored to be here with my friend, Foreign Minister Yun. And I thank him and Prime Minister and Acting President Hwang and the people of the Republic of Korea for hosting me.

For more than 60 years the ironclad alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea has remained strong. And our commitment to this partnership will endure under the Trump Administration. Throughout this time of political change, I want to commend the South Korean people for…

Press Availability With Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida

"SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, thank you very much, Minister Kishida, and good afternoon to all. It truly is a pleasure to be here in Japan, Tokyo, on my first trip into Asia, and as Secretary of State, I think it does underscore the importance of America’s relationship with Japan. And I’m pleased I’ve already had two important meetings and productive discussions with Foreign Minister Kishida – one in Bonn, the other in Washington – and I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Abe later.


[Confirmation Hearing] USTR Nominee Lighthizer Discusses US-Vietnam Trade

[Confirmation Hearing] USTR Nominee Lighthizer Discusses China's Overcapacity in Steel and Aluminum

[Confirmation Hearing] USTR Nominee Lighhizer Discusses India and Intellectual Property Rights

[Confirmation Hearing] USTR Nominee Lighthizer Discusses China and the World Trade Organization (WTO)