The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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Secretary Pompeo Remarks to Traveling Press - China

"QUESTION: [...] And the other is on the China piece. Are you tracking the fact that a Chinese national is running for the head of the World Intellectual Property Organization? Is that a concern of yours and something that the State Department’s going to fight against?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. Yes, we’re tracking the World Intellectual Property Organization election, director general election, very, very closely. The Chinese have stolen hundreds of millions of dollars of intellectual property from the United States of America. We are going…

Secretary Pompeo With Tony Perkins of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins - China

"QUESTION: Now, you sent a very clear warning to state leaders that they need to be on the lookout for efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate various levels of government.

SECRETARY POMPEO: Tony, I spoke about a series of facts, things that we all know and that, frankly, aren’t quite broadly enough on people’s radar screen, including state and local officials, governors, school principals. These are entities – Chinese Communist Party entities that have what would be seemingly innocent faces on them, the…

Remarks by Secretary Esper en Route to Europe - Philippines and China

"Q: (inaudible) Can you update us on the latest with the – the VFA1? I know Duterte is giving the U.S. one hundred and eighty days’ notice to pull out, and what does that mean for the NDS? Because that's a place where we were fighting in the war against China and the war for -- for international waterways and whatnot.

SEC. ESPER: Yeah, so we just got the notification late last night. We have to digest it. We have to work through the policy…

Secretary Pompeo With Lou Dobbs of Lou Dobbs Tonight - China

"QUESTION: I have the feeling, the strong feeling, that you and the President are taking the country to a level of consciousness that we had not anticipated perhaps for many years. Many of us had hoped we would get there, but you’re actually taking us there, warning of the implications of a highly sophisticated China that is expansionary and is insinuating itself into the very fabric of our society and our nation.

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yes, sir. It’s been too long. We’ve allowed this to continue…

Secretary Pompeo's Remarks at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting - China

"Last year, I received an invitation to an event that promised to be, quote, “an occasion for exclusive deal-making.” It said, quote, “the opportunities for mutually beneficial economic development between China and our individual states [are] tremendous,” end of quote.

Deal-making sounds like it might have come from President Trump, but the invitation was actually from a former governor.

I was being invited to the U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit.

It was an event co-hosted by the National Governors Association and something called the Chinese People’s…

The United States Announces Assistance to Combat the Novel Coronavirus

"This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials. These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people.

Today, the United States government is announcing it is prepared to spend up to $100 million in existing funds to assist China and other impacted countries, both directly and through multilateral organizations, to contain and combat the novel coronavirus. This commitment – along…

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure - China

"Q Are you concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus?

THE PRESIDENT: No. China is working very hard. Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.

They’re in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We’re working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them…

Remarks by Secretary Ross at Oxford Union in Oxford, England - China and South Korea

"It took 25 years for these policies to shift the United States from trade surpluses to deficits. Now, many countries, including China, have a positive balance of trade solely because their surpluses with United States exceed their deficits with the rest of the world. Without their U.S. surpluses, they could not buy as much as they do from everyone else. Almost half the U.S. merchandise trade deficit is with China, partly because wages are lower there, and partly because we let them into the WTO…

Secretary Esper's Remarks at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) - China