This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.
The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations
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Thailand National Day
"On behalf of the government of the United States of America, I offer my warm wishes to the people of Thailand as you celebrate your National Day on December 5.
For more than 200 years, the United States and Thailand have strengthened the friendship and spirit of partnership between our nations. The U.S.-Thai alliance supports a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Our longstanding business ties, highlighted in the very successful Indo-Pacific Business Forum in Bangkok, help the people of the United States and Thailand to…
Ambassador Lighthizer Lauds Japan’s Approval of the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement
"United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer issued the following statement today after Japan’s Diet approved the recently-signed U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement:
“I commend Japan’s quick action to approve these important trade agreements between our two nations, which are the world’s first and third largest economies. We expect the President to sign the implementing proclamation for the United States next week. The positive results the United States and Japan will gain from these agreements would not be possible without the strong…
Remarks by President Trump and NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg After 1:1 Meeting - China and North Korea
"Q Could I ask you about NATO? Why is China such an important subject for this NATO Summit? What threat do they pose?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, China has become very powerful and much more so than in the past. They’ve done it, largely, with United States money, because our past Presidents allowed them to steal the cookie cutter. And that’s okay — I don’t begrudge China for that. I begrudge — I’m very disappointed in our past Presidents and leadership. They allowed this to happen…
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada Before Bilateral Meeting - China
"PRESIDENT TRUMP: And with trade, I have all the cards. We’ve built a — we have built something in the last three years that’s been incredible. You’ve seen it. We’re up $21 trillion, and China is down about $32 trillion.
And as you know, for years, I’ve been hearing that it was “2019.” “In 2019, China’s going to become the largest economy.” Well, that didn’t happen. We’re much larger than China now, because we’ve gone up and they’ve gone down. And they’ve had their worst…
Secretary Pompeo's Remarks on Europe and China with Respect to 5G
"EU communications ministers will gather in Brussels on Tuesday[1] to discuss how to safeguard emerging fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks. Their decisions could have lasting impacts on European countries’ ability to protect their people’s privacy, and ultimately, safeguard their freedoms.
5G networks will soon touch every aspect of life, including critical infrastructure. Innovative new capabilities will power autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, smart grids and other groundbreaking technologies. Thanks to the way 5G networks are built, it’s impossible to separate any one part of the network…
Statement from President Trump on the Passing of Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
"On behalf of the American people, Melania and I offer our deepest condolences to the people of Japan and to the loved ones of former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. We were saddened to learn of his passing in Tokyo on Friday.
Prime Minister Nakasone was, in the words of President Ronald Reagan, “a friend, a wise colleague, and the leader of America’s most important partner and ally in the Pacific.” The former Prime Minister’s efforts to strengthen the United States-Japan alliance and his commitment to…
Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s National Day
"On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I offer congratulations to President Bounnhang Vorachit and the people of Laos as you commemorate your National Day on December 2.
This has been another notable year in our bilateral relationship that has seen our Comprehensive Partnership become stronger. This year, our forward-looking relationship has established closer political, economic, and people to people ties. Laos has played an important role in ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific region as a partner that promotes peace, security, and…
Secretary Pompeo's Remarks on the Passing of Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
"It is with great sadness that I extend my deepest condolences to the family of former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and the people of Japan. Prime Minister Nakasone was a courageous leader at a critical juncture for Japan and a trusted friend of the United States, who personified the strength of the U.S.-Japan alliance and economic relationship. As a great statesman, his efforts to improve relations with neighboring countries and address the daunting international challenges of the day have had a lasting impact on the…
Statement by President Trump on the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
"Today, I have signed into law S. 1838, the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019” (the “Act”). The Act reaffirms and amends the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, specifies United States policy towards Hong Kong, and directs assessment of the political developments in Hong Kong. Certain provisions of the Act would interfere with the exercise of the President’s constitutional authority to state the foreign policy of the United States. My Administration will treat each of the provisions of the…