The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations

This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.


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On U.S. Intent to Open an Embassy in Maldives

"I am pleased to announce that the United States intends to open an Embassy in Maldives with a resident U.S. Ambassador, reflecting the continued growth of the U.S.-Maldives relationship and underscoring the United States’ unshakeable commitment to Maldives and the Indo-Pacific region. In the decades since the United States and Maldives first established diplomatic ties in 1966, our countries have expanded cooperation on issues ranging from strengthening maritime security in the Indo-Pacific, to incentivizing the private sector, and countering terrorism. With support from the United…

Secretary Pompeo and Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at a Press Availability

"SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Minister. Hello, everyone. It’s wonderful to be in here, Colombo. It’s most special because indeed, as you said, we’re one day short of 72 years of our diplomatic relations between our two countries, a remarkable anniversary for each of us.

The foreign minister and I had a great conversation. I had a chance to congratulate him on his reappointment – well done – and had a very positive conversation with President Rajapaksa a bit earlier this morning as…

Secretary Pompeo With Indeewari Amuwatte of Derana TV

"QUESTION: Thank you for your time here with us in Colombo, Secretary Pompeo. Your visit here is termed crucial. It’s seen as a rare one and peculiar given the timing of the visit. What’s so important that you had to communicate at this juncture?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, thanks for giving me a chance to be with you. I appreciate it. It’s been wonderful to be here in Colombo.

Look, the – I’m in this region a lot. I had planned to come here earlier. The…

Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa

"Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today with Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Secretary Pompeo reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to a strong, sovereign Sri Lanka and to advancing our shared interests in a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Secretary Pompeo and President Rajapaksa discussed post-pandemic economic recovery and development and noted the benefits of long-term U.S. private sector trade and investment, which offers sustainable, transparent, and high-quality partnership. The Secretary also stressed the importance of strengthening democratic governance, human…

Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Maldivian President Solih

"Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today with Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in Malé, Maldives. Secretary Pompeo congratulated President Solih and the people of Maldives for their tremendous progress in strengthening democratic institutions and fostering civil society in recent years. Both welcomed the increasingly warm and close relationship between the United States and Maldives since our countries established diplomatic ties 54 years ago and hailed the decision to open a U.S. Embassy in Maldives as a milestone in our bilateral relationship. Secretary Pompeo…

Secretary Pompeo With Prasad Dodangodage of Rupavahini TV

"QUESTION: Secretary Pompeo, now, your visit in Sri Lanka made headlines in many ways. First, it’s taking place just before the U.S. presidential elections. Then there was a statement made by a State Department official on Sri Lanka. So there are many speculated definitions for this visit. So what’s your definition for this visit?

SECRETARY POMPEO: So I’ve traveled to this region many times. It’s an important region for the United States. We value democratic friendships all across the world. I had hoped to get…

Secretary Pompeo and Maldives Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid at a Press Availability

"SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you, Mr. Foreign Minister. Thank you. Hello, everyone. Perhaps I’ll get fortunate and there’ll be a mechanical problem with my airplane, and I’ll get to see a sunset and a sunrise. I also want to thank President Solih for inviting me to visit Male. This is indeed a beautiful – it’s a beautiful city and a beautiful country, and I’m happy to have the opportunity to be here.

We had an incredibly productive conversation, positive meetings. It’s safe to say that our…

Secretary Pompeo With Shekhar Gupta of The Print

"QUESTION: We’ve kept you busy, Secretary, in Delhi – what, 18 hours – on 19 hours, and I know that you’ve heard the word “China” more times than you can count. Now, we know that China is knocking at our doorsteps and that’s a clear and present issue. But what is there to this relationship that goes beyond the China problem?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. So, many things. This was a good relationship long before the Chinese Communist Party started causing as much trouble as they’re…

Secretary Pompeo With Rahul Shivshankar of Times Now

"QUESTION: Secretary Pompeo, welcome to Times Now. Welcome to India. You have just had a very intensive 36 hours roughly. You signed certain foundation agreements that takes the relationship to a completely different level. We’ve even mentioned the destabilizing actions of China. Has the United States therefore decided to offer India more than just diplomatic assistance in the event of a conflict, let’s assume, with China or Pakistan?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, thanks for having me with you today. We did sign a series of important…

Joint Press Statement of the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

"We are grateful to all who have participated in today’s conference, including those who announced or pledged funding for the international humanitarian response, those who are supporting members of the Rohingya communities in other ways — not least by hosting them — and most importantly, representatives of Rohingya communities themselves.

The situation in the region remains an acute humanitarian and human rights crisis more than three years after the August 2017 violence, which caused hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people to flee their homes…

Secretary Pompeo at a Press Availability - Indo-Pacific

"Look, today I want to talk about a number of multilateral initiatives that we’re advancing here at the State Department. We’re cooperating with our partners and allies and friends across the world in unprecedented ways. It’s been a hallmark of the administration that frankly deserves more attention.

Look, it starts with working to go out and meet with these people. This Sunday I’ll depart for India, for Sri Lanka, for the Maldives, and then on to Indonesia. On every stop I will discuss a broad…

Nepali Constitution Day

"On behalf of the American people and the United States Government, I extend best wishes to the people of Nepal as you celebrate your Constitution Day on September 19.

For over seven decades, the United States and Nepal have enjoyed friendship and close ties between our peoples, and we are committed to supporting Nepal’s path toward a stable, prosperous, and sovereign future. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Nepal and working together on economic recovery, disaster preparedness, and sustainable development, even as we…