This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.
The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations
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The Republic of Korea’s Chuseok Holiday
"On behalf of the United States Government and its people, I would like to wish the people of South and North Korea, and Koreans around the world, a happy Chuseok holiday. During this time of homecoming and gift giving, of food and family, we are all reminded to pause and give thanks for the many blessings of this life.
We also take this time of contemplation to recognize the strength of our alliance with the Republic of Korea, which stands on a solid foundation of…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Rick Everett of KQAM - North Korea and China
"QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, an upcoming United Nations meeting – conference in New York. Do you have expectations or anticipations of positives that may come of that for the United States?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So yes, the world will be gathered at the UN in the – goodness, it’s the third week of September. Leaders from all around the world will come together.
I hope we can do a handful of things. I hope we can continue to make progress on the denuclearization of North Korea. I…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With George Stephanopoulos of ABC’s This Week - North Korea
"QUESTION: Meantime, on North Korea, their nuclear program, the talks have stalled since the Hanoi summit, and North Korea continues to test missiles. U.S. intelligence has concluded that they continue to add to their stockpile of nuclear weapons fuel as well. Are you concerned at all that Kim Jong-un is stringing President Trump along?
SECRETARY POMPEO: George, we took office with nuclear tests being conducted and long-range missile tests being conducted with all too great a frequency. President Trump and my team have been working…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Alec Gartner of KSNT-TV NBC 27 Topeka - China
"QUESTION: Well, thank you obviously for joining me today. We’ll jump right into it. I imagine you’re going to be asked a lot about Chinese tariffs today and all of the trade war or at least back-and-forth with China. Can you kind of give us an update of where we stand? And right now it would seem like there was ramping out recently of tariffs. How is it looking right now?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So I remember when I was a member of Congress I watched…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Steve McIntosh of Wichita KNSS - China
"QUESTION: Yeah, and what’s interesting, I just thought of this. You talk with people, some people we’ve got problems with, like Iran maybe and China, and you talk with them. Is there – sometimes do you feel like – because they come from a whole different mindset when it comes to liberty, civil liberties and so forth. Is there sometimes a little block there that they don’t understand what you’re talking about?
SECRETARY POMPEO: It’s the case that this an exceptional nation that we’re privileged…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Marleah Campbell of WIBW-TV CBS 13 Topeka - China
"QUESTION: Kansas farmers are worried about tariffs amid the ongoing trade war with China. Is this a long-term strategy? What reassurances can you offer? And what is the greater good to be achieved?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, I remember when I was a congressman from south central Kansas, I’d hear from farmers all the time about how China wouldn’t let them sell their wheat or their corn or their dairy products, whatever it may have been. And President Trump’s taking that on. He’s opening these markets…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo with Pete Mundo of KCMO - North Korea
"QUESTION: Well, it’s great to have you back in the state. And I know you obviously have a lot on your plate around the world right now. It’s – there’s never a slow time for you, even though it might be slow for Congress right now. When you look at what is happening right now, Mr. Secretary, with North Korea and some of the missile tests that they are undergoing, it seems like there have been corners of the administration that don’t seem overly concerned…
Secretary Pompeo's Remarks In Defense of the American Rights Tradition - China
"And frankly, there is far too little agreement anymore on what an unalienable right truly is. Just because a treaty or a law or some writing says it’s a right, it doesn’t make it an unalienable right. Remember where these rights came from.
This confusion – this confusion has opened the door for countless countries that don’t share our respect for human rights to use corrupt understandings of this notion to achieve their evil ends.
Let me give you just one example. Over the past…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Lily Wu of KAKE-TV ABC 4 Wichita - China
"QUESTION: And like, kind of talking about along the lines of other countries – Asia specifically – China-U.S. trade obviously is the hot topic. I wanted to kind of hear more about how we’re putting America first, but still trying to position ourselves in a smart position.
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. Well, it’s a great question because it’s been a focus of mine and of President Trump’s as well. I was harkened back to my time. I would travel around the state and meet with manufacturers…
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Caroline Sweeney, KCTV 5 CBS Kansas City - China
"QUESTION: Let’s talk a little bit about diplomacy. I spent a lot of time, especially being in Kansas City, on both the Kansas and the Missouri side talking to farmers and members of rural communities that are concerned about these tariffs and some of the conversations that they’re hearing about, the future discussions with China. What do you want these people to know about what’s going to happen with them?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. Look, I remember when I was a member of Congress. I remember…