This resource tracked statements, developments, visits, and other interactions in US-Indo-Pacific relations under the President Trump administration. Special focus was given to the comments and activities of President Donald J. Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; United States Trade Representative Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Jr.; former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; former Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and former Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper.
The Trump Administration & US - Indo-Pacific Relations
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Remarks by President Trump and Chancellor Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany Before Bilateral Meeting - China and Japan
"Q Do you still believe that the EU treats the U.S. worse than China on trade, after your discussions?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think the European Union — and I’ve said this openly; I say it with respect — I think they’re as tough as China. I really do. I think they’re very tough. The United States has been not treated particularly well over the years. And I’m not saying that as — it should have been the other way around, but it wasn’t. I congratulate…
Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France in Joint Press Conference - China and Japan
"Q Second to that, do you believe that China is sincere about what it said this morning?
Q Or do you think that they are just trying to calm the markets and play for time? Because our sister network, the Fox Business Network, has been told by Chinese sources that they have no plans on going back to where they were in terms of the negotiations this spring on intellectual property, forced technology transfer, ownership. So —
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’ll see, John.
…Remarks by President Trump and President El-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt Before Bilateral Meeting - China and Japan
"PRESIDENT TRUMP: [...] And also, very big things are happening with China. You probably read the breaking news a little while ago that they want to make a deal — they just came out — and they want calm. And that’s a great thing, frankly. And one of the reasons that he’s a great leader — President Xi — and one of the reasons that China is a great country is they understand how life works. And that was just announced.
China called, last night…
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan Before Bilateral Meeting - Japan and North Korea
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. It’s a great honor to be here. We’re having some very good discussions, maybe even great discussions. And I will say that our relationship with Prime Minister Abe and Japan has been, I think, the best it’s ever been. I don’t know, I’ll let you speak to that. But I think it’s the best it’s ever been.
Go ahead.
We’re discussing trade. We’re doing a lot of trade together; a lot of military trade, actually, which is a big…
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Johnson of the United Kingdom in Working Breakfast - China and Japan
"Q Mr. President, are your allies pressuring you to give up the trade war with China?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No. Not at all. I haven’t heard that at all, no. I think they respect the trade war. It has to happen. China has been — I can only speak for the United States. I can’t say what they’ve been doing to the UK and to other places. But from the standpoint of the United States, what they’ve done is outrageous that Presidents and administrations allowed them…
Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure - China and North Korea
"THE PRESIDENT: We’re going to France. We’re going to have a good few days. I think it will be very productive seeing a lot of the leaders, who are friends of mine, for the most part. I wouldn’t say in a hundred percent of the cases, but for the most part.
And I think we’re doing very well. Our economy is doing great.
We’re having a little spat with China, and we’ll win it. We put a lot of tariffs on China today, as you…
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo And Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland At a Press Availability - China and North Korea
"QUESTION: To Secretary Pompeo, I understand you’re supporting our government in the case of the two detained Canadians in China. I’m wondering what specifically you’ve committed to.
And to Minister Freeland, the steelworkers are denouncing the decision to lift tariffs on the illegally dumped steel from China in British Columbia and the LNG projects. I’m wondering if you can talk about why that decision was made in light of the two Canadians detained in China.
SECRETARY POMPEO: So I’ll try to take the first one…
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo With Vassy Kapelos of CBC Power and Politics - China
"QUESTION: I appreciate it. You said that the detention of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig —
QUESTION: — is unlawful; you called it wrong. You’ve said that for a number of months now. China, of course, has not released them. Do you think that China will release those two individuals?
SECRETARY POMPEO: I hope so. It’s the right thing to do. It’s always the case that what we ask of every country is just to honor their commitments. China talks about their…